NCCE recently welcome three newly elected educators to the NCCE Board of Directors. NCCE current board president, Brian Pahl, sat down with each new representative to learn a little more about them:
Quote from NCCE President Brian Pahl:
Kate Peterson from Helena, MT was elected as the High School Rep. Kate is a Teacher Librarian and has worked with high students for 19 years. Kate recently stepped into the role of Student Support and Content Specialist position at Montana Digital Academy. She is looking forward to helping student and teachers across the state.
You can follow Kate @katepeterson3
NAME: Kate Peterson
TITLE: Student Support and Content Specialist
SCHOOL DISTRICT: Montana Digital Academy
EXPERIENCE: Teacher Librarian and High school English teacher
A little about Kate
My husband, Eric, and I at the Sheryl Crow Concert at the KettleHouse Amphitheater in Bonner, MT in August.
What are some books that you are currently reading?
A Long Petal to the Sea by Isabel Allende
What are some podcasts that you are currently listening to right now?
For the Love with Jen Hatmaker
What is your favorite comfort food?
Tacos or homemade chicken noodle soup
Have you tried something new in the last 12 months? IF yes, please list.
A new job with Montana Digital Academy!
What is something you are looking forward to being on the NCCE Board?
I am excited to meet new people and learn about all of the new and innovative ideas educators are using in their classrooms. I just really like the enthusiasm and willingness to share in the NCCE community.
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Would you please list a favorite quote?
“The mighty oak was once a little nut that held its ground.”
Quote from NCCE President Brian Pahl:
John Zingale, a Certified Google Innovator, joins us from Vancouver, WA where he teaches middle school HiPstory: Hands On, Individualized, and Project Based. Though I don’t know John personally, I do know his reputation for being a stellar educator. John’s passion for authentic, relevant, project-based learning is well known, and I can’t wait to work more closely with him on the Board. You can follow John at @HiPstorywithMrZ.
You can follow John @HiPstorywithMrZ
NAME: John Zingale
TITLE: Middle School HiPstory Teacher (Hands-on, Individualized, Project-based History
SCHOOL DISTRICT: Vancouver Public Schools
A little about John
What are some books that you are currently reading?
A River Lost: The Life and Death of the Columbia
What are some podcasts that you are currently listening to right now?
What is your favorite comfort food?
Homemade meatball sandwich
Marionberry Cheesecake
Have you tried something new in the last 12 months? IF yes, please list.
What is something you are looking forward to being on the NCCE Board?
I'm looking forward to working with caring, creative, and innovative people that want to integrate tech, stem, and critical thinking skills with other subjects like History, Science, and Language Arts etc.
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“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” – Teddy Roosevelt
Quote from NCCE President Brian Pahl:
Martha Thornburg from Mount Vernon, WA was elected as the Elementary Rep. Martha is a long time Digital Literacy Specialist who has returned to the early education classroom to serve some of our youngest learners in a program to get students ready for kindergarten. Martha’s election to the board was special to me; she was my early mentor and trainer in educational technology. Martha was one of the first to teach me that it isn’t the tools that matter but the ways in which they are used that counts most.
You can follow Martha @mvsddigital
NAME: Martha Thornburgh
TITLE: Transitional Kindergarten Teacher
SCHOOL DISTRICT: Mount Vernon School District. MV, Wa.
I started my teaching career teaching Kindergarten on the Navajo Nation. Since then, I have had the opportunity to teach in 3 states and on 4 continents. It has been a great adventure learning and growing with educators around the world. Most recently I was the Digital Literacy Specialist for the Mount Vernon School District for the past twelve years and then I decided to make a big change this last year to go back to the classroom as a teacher in our new transitional kindergarten program. I consider this my dream job. I am also a Google Innovator and a certified Google Education Trainer.
A little about Martha
I spend a week camping at Glacier National Park (Montana) each summer. This summer, my goal was to find and photograph a moose. Sorry that I don’t have a selfie with a moose. Just imagine me where I usually am, behind the camera.
What are some books that you are currently reading?
I have been reading a lot of books to help me get back up to speed with early childhood education. One of my goals in my new position is to practice what I have been “preaching” about effective use of technology especially with young children.
I am re-reading Liz Kolb’s Learning First, Technology Second and tying that with what I am learning in Kid’s First from Day One a Teacher’s Guide for Today’s Classroom by Hertz and Mraz.
What are you are currently listening to right now?
My latest Audio book was Wendle Berry and The Given Life
What is your favorite comfort food?
New Mexican Enchiladas Christmas Style best eaten in beautiful New Mexico.
Have you tried something new in the last 12 months? IF yes, please list.
- Teaching 4 year olds.
- Watercolor
- Photographing fox kits.
- Astrophotography
What is something you are looking forward to being on the NCCE Board?
I am looking forward to collaborating with and getting to know other educators who are passionate about engaging our students in powerful learning. As a long time (21 years) NCCE attendee and presenter, I look forward to giving back…
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Would you please list a favorite quote?
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” Anne Lamott
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