Our members are weaving the threads of education every day with people of all ages across the country. They are involved in improving lives and the overall well-being of our communities. With over 4000 members strong, NCCE would like to introduce you to a few peers. Every month we will take a snapshot of active NCCE members and find out what they are doing to make a difference in technology education.
In it Together: NCCE Members Making a Difference
Learn more about the leadership and members who contribute to Northwest Council for Computer Education (NCCE).
NAME and TITLE: Bobby Myers, Director of Marketing & Communications for NCCE
Share with us – what is one new initiative you are working on at NCCE?
My current focus is on how NCCE can share with our membership and the world the amazing work our Professional Learning Specialists do for students across the country. One way we can accomplish this is through Sociabble where we can share all of the content produced through our specialists to reach the entire network of educators through social media.
What is one strategy you use to have a more productive workday?
Putting all tech-tools and productivity strategies aside, making the morning count is the best way to make sure I have a task driven agenda throughout the entire day. I’m learning to set my own priorities and resist the temptation to respond to every message in my inbox right off the bat. Deciding for myself how to use the first hour of my day greatly determines how the last hour of my day will end.
Name one thing your “mama always told you”?
Never ride a motorcycle. Instead, when the temp hits 80 I ride a Honda Rukus to work as a compromise.
When you “unplug” – what do you like to do?
Living in North Idaho has the added benefit of creating many distractions without the need for a screen. My goal this year is to explore more of my own backyard. The top of my list is the Lions Head natural waterslides near Priest Lake, a formation of slippery rocks that create a waterslide by a waterfall fed swimming hole. Check it out:
The post NCCE Member Highlights: Bobby Myers appeared first on NCCE's Tech Savvy Teacher Blog.