For all of our Spokane-area tech-savvy teacher friends:
Sign up NOW for the May 5th Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Teacher Academy at the Libby Center in Spokane, presented by NCCE. The event is free!
This Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Teacher Academy is designed for the K-12 classroom educator who wants to learn more about Microsoft’s best tools and resources for classroom learning in a one-day professional learning experience. Bring your own Windows 8.1 or 10 device to learn how to most effectively use the latest version of Windows, including basic navigation and Windows Apps. Discover Office Mix, Sway, and OneNote, including how digital notebooks can be created and used as a productivity tool for educators and students. This training will also cover how easy it is to use cloud-based tools in Office 365 for education and Skype in the Classroom, including how to take advantage of storage on OneDrive, and how to work collaboratively with others all through the cloud.
Sign up now by clicking here!
The post Attention Spokane-Area Educators: Sign up for the May 5th Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Teacher Academy appeared first on NCCE's Tech Savvy Teacher Blog.